Empowering organisations with the knowledge to succeed

Providing small to large membership organisations with the latest education in membership engagement & retention.

Our goal is to help empower membership organisations to understand engagement & retention.

What we teach

Please view below our cirriculum

Defining engagement

Identifying what we mean by engagement can be murky at best. Defining engagement by its outcomes can be an easy way to gain clarity. We can help facilitate the root of what engagement means to your organisation.

Undaunting the data

From forecasting weather patterns, to predicting traffic jams. We take you through how data can be collected and used, and what you could start doing in your organisation.

The psychology

Why do we do what we do? And why don't we do what we should? Understanding the motivations and behaviours of people is becoming better understood. We take you through some of the models that apply to membership engagement.


AI is great for some things, humans are better at others. We'll take you through some of the technology leading the edge in engagement analysis, and some common pitfalls to watch out for.

Metrics and survey

All of these things are only as good as the information you collect. We'll take you through optimising survey questions, improving survey response rates, and key metrics and visualisations to help you make decisions.